At RLB Packaging, we take pride in being a leading supplier to the diverse needs of New Zealand's business landscape. From agriculture, horticulture, and forestry to construction, manufacturing, production, and wholesale trade, we cater to a wide range of industries with our expertise and packaging solutions.
Experts in Packaging and Strapping for key NZ Sectors:
Over the past 100 years, we have honed our expertise in packaging, strapping, and wrapping making us specialists in providing tailored solutions for the following sectors:
1. Timber & Construction:
Our expert understandingof strapping, strapping tools, machinery, and on-siteservice has earned us a niche in the New Zealandtimber industry and the downstream constructionsector. As trusted advisors, we supply packaging andsafety consumables, including timber wrap,customised films, marking and coding products,safety equipment, workwear, and personal protectivegear. Our extensive supply presence extends tosawmills, large format network stores, trade buildingsuppliers, and frame and truss sites across thecountry.
2. Food & Beverage:
With New Zealand's globalreputation for high-quality food and beverageproducts, RLB Packaging partners with a wide rangeof customers and household brands within thisindustry. We offer an array of packaging solutions toprotect, present, and efficiently move food andbeverage products in a safe, cost-effective way. Weoffer both stock and custom products and we cansupport our loyal customers with inventory holding(stock and supply) where they have limited storagefacilities.
3. Transport & Logistics:
Big names in the transport and logistics sectors rely on RLB for products and solutions that ensure the safe and cost-effective protection and movement of goods. We understand the unique challenges faced by our customers and work closely with them to conduct personalised packaging audits and consultations. Our experience helps customers save time and money. For example, a core item within this industry is pallet wrap (stretch film). Our personalised 'Wrap Review' audit service has helped many businesses compare the performance of their existing film with RLB's PELITEK films and has demonstrated the significant costs savings they can make.
4. Metals Industry:
RLB Packaging has been asteadfast partner to New Zealand's metals-relatedaindustry. We have earned the trust of some of thenation's largest metal companies, exclusivelysupplying their strapping, packaging, and safety needsnationwide. Emphasising cargo security, we ensurethe safe movement of metal and metal-relatedaproducts both domestically and internationally. Fromsteel production, roofing to coil, reinforcing, andstainless steel, we raise the bar across the entiremetals sector.
At RLB Packaging, our extensive experience and dedication to delivering tailored solutions make us the go-to partner for businesses seeking reliable and innovative packaging services across these key sectors. We are committed to working closely with our customers, understanding their unique requirements, and providing solutions that elevate their businesses and set new standards in the packaging industry.